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Lily & Rose Bouquet
Fresh flowers bring joy and happiness! This beautiful and vibrant selection of roses and lilies will brighten up your day, and your space! A treat for yourself, or a thoughtful gift. These stems will arrive sleeping, sealed in a special bag without water. This unique packaging preserves your flowers in transit, and you will have the maximum enjoyment as you see them go from bud to bloom in your home. By optimising how they travel, your flowers will look beautiful for a minimum of seven days. Upon receipt, remove your stems from the packaging and prepare a clean vase.  It should be filled with fresh cold water, into which the sachet of flower food provided should be dissolved to help feed your flowers as they bloom. For the best display, remove any lower leaves that might fall below the water line, and place your vase in a cool spot away of direct sunlight. It is important to trim stems by 1 or 2cm before putting in the vase to wake the flowers from their sleep. Enjoy the beauty of fresh flowers as you arrange your stems. 13 stems composed of: 2 stems of cream LA lilies 3 cerise roses 2 pink roses 2 white roses 1 stem of purple limonium 3 stems of eucalyptus robusta Approximate length: 40 – 45cm Vase is not included.
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